High School Special Student Orientation

Welcome to the High School Orientation

Orientation instructions

Please complete these steps as soon as possible:

  1. Read, review, and follow links throughout the orientation sections. You are responsible for knowing the information presented here and can refer to it throughout the semester.
  2. Complete the quiz found in the last section. You can take the quiz multiple times.

If you have any questions while reviewing the material or completing the quiz, please reach out to highschoolcredit@dcs.wisc.edu.

Note, failure to complete the quiz may result in a hold on your enrollment.

University Special Student Status

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What it means to be a University Special student

Nondegree student status

  • As a University Special (nondegree) student you are earning college credit, but you are not in a degree-seeking program. In other words, completing these courses will not culminate in a degree, though if you continue onto college after your high school graduation, you can send these credits to your degree-seeking institution for them to consider applying towards a degree.

Last to enroll in classes; you enroll on a space-available basis after all degree-seeking students

  • Enrollment for high school Special students takes place just a few days before each semester begins. The university prioritizes undergraduate enrollment as they are degree-seeking students and need these courses for graduation. Once their enrollment period passes, high school students are able to enroll. There is no guarantee you will be able to enroll in a class!

Cannot continue as a Special student once you graduate from high school

  • This policy also applies to students who are denied undergraduate admission or apply too late.

Special student vs undergraduate admission

Being a Special student does NOT guarantee you admission as an undergraduate to UW-Madison

  • The office admitting Special students (our office) and undergraduate students are two separate offices with different admission criteria.

Special student admission criteria

  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 required.

Undergraduate student admission criteria

  • Much more rigorous than the admission criteria for high school Special students.
  • Typically a much higher GPA.
  • Can I get into UW–Madison? from the Office of Admissions and Recruitment
  • The average profile of an undergraduate admit is very competitive.
    • If you are interested in undergraduate admissions, and your high school GPA, class rank, and test scores are not competitive, even four semesters of excellent work as high school Special student may not get you admitted.
    • Keep in mind that you will be competing for grades with undergraduate students.


You are taking a UW-Madison course and will be graded on par with all other students

  • You will be treated as a regular student!  That means no exceptions for missing deadlines, etc.
  • Faculty will have the same expectations for you as they do for undergraduates

What does that mean for you?

  • Attend EVERY class session
    • Lectures
    • Discussions
    • Labs
  • Read your syllabus, and do all your work
  • Do all readings, making sure to keep up with weekly assignments to avoid feeling like you are falling behind
  • Don’t hesitate to ask for help from teaching assistants, Greater University Tutoring Service, Writing Center, etc.

Your UW–Madison academic record

As a Special student you are establishing a permanent UW–Madison record — that’s not something to be taken lightly.

  • Remember:
    • The course(s) you take and the grade(s) you earn will appear on your official UW–Madison transcript.
    • You will be required to submit your UW–Madison transcript to any college that you apply to in the future (failure to do so will have negative consequences).
    • The grade(s) you earn in the course(s) you take will be recorded on your high school transcript and will be figured into your high school GPA after course completion (for ECCP students).
    • Most high school Special students successfully complete the UW–Madison course(s) they take. But there are occasional D and F grades, and in these cases your school district will not pay their portion of the tuition.

NetID and MyUW

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Activating your NetID

To access your MyUW portal, you will need to activate your NetID. If you have not done this yet, please check your admission email for your 10-digit campus ID number.  Follow the steps below to activate your NetID.

Activating your NetID

  • Visit mynetid.wisc.edu/activate
  • Enter your 10-digit campus ID number and your date of birth; click “Activate.”
  • You will be prompted to create a password and security questions for your account. Follow the prompts through until the end.
  • The system will provide you with your NetID (typically some combination of your first and last name).
  • Test it by logging in to your MyUW account at my.wisc.edu.
  • Do not share your NetID and password with anyone (including parents or other family members).

MyUW Portal

Using your NetID and password, you will be able to access your MyUW portal. MyUW is UW–Madison’s secure web portal for campus resources. Familiarize yourself with this page, the layout, and the various resources available. You will be using them throughout the semester. Those you may be accessing most include:

Course search and enroll

  • You will use Course Search and Enroll to enroll in your course(s).


  • WiscMail is the official email address to which UW–Madison sends all communication. Make sure you check your email! Professors will send out important information via your wisc.edu email address.

Student Center

  • Student Center is where you will access a variety of your student information, including financial information, academic records, and any holds on your account.


  • Canvas is the online learning management system (LMS) used by UW–Madison. Even if your class is not online, you will likely find additional readings, submit assignments, and share discussion posts in your course page. You can access Canvas from your MyUW Portal.

Customizing your MyUW

For a guide on using, searching for apps, and customizing your MyUW homepage, this KB has you covered:

Searching and customizing your MyUW homepage

Enrollment preparation

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Pre-enrollment checklist

Terms and Conditions for Enrollment/Credit Agreement

  • You are required to electronically sign the Terms and Conditions for Enrollment/Credit Agreement before you are eligible to enroll in courses
  • The agreement says, in part: “I accept full responsibility to pay all tuition, fees, and other associated costs assessed as a of my registration and/or receipt of services.”
  • Follow the steps below:
    1. Go to your Student Center in MyUW
    2. Click “Tasks” panel
    3. Complete the Pre-Enrollment Checklist Guide and agree to the terms and conditions
  • You will also be able to confirm/add/edit emergency contacts, addresses, SSN, etc.

Enrollment appointment time

Your enrollment appointment time can be found when you log in to Course Search and Enroll.

High School University Special students always enroll after all degree-seeking students have had a chance to enroll. For high school students, enrollment typically begins three business days before the start of each term.

Using Class Search to find your classes

  • In your MyUW portal, access Course Search and Enroll.
  • Enter Search Criteria using the drop-down menus to select the appropriate term and subject to search. Once a class is selected you will see a course description, prerequisites, department information, and more details.
  • You can also enter the course number if you know it.
  • Select “See Sections” to view additional class information including the days and times offered.
  • This Course Search and Enroll KB document provides overview of the app
  • Please note, if a course lists prerequisites you will need permission from the department to enroll. Please contact them directly.

Add your class(es) to shopping cart

After you find your course, check the box next to the section, and then select “Add to cart”

  • In your shopping cart you can:
    • Create a list of desired course sections before your enrollment time
    • Uncover potential enrollment problems (see next panel)
    • Speed up course selection
    • Easily reference course information before enrollment

Potential enrollment problems

Once you have a course in your cart, you can uncover potential enrollment problems.

  • Click on the My Courses tab or the cart icon
  • If there are potential enrollment problems with the class, you will see a validation message.
  • For “problems with course” contact the department hosting the course and they can help you determine if you are eligible for the class.
  • Exception, for any problem messages you receive for math courses contact an ACSSS advisor at highschoolcredit@dcs.wisc.edu.
  • If you don’t get a problem message, you will be able to enroll (assuming there is space in the class) at or after your enrollment appointment time.

Enrolling in classes

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Enrolling from your cart

You will be ready to enroll when:

To enroll:

In Course Search and Enroll:

  • Select the checkbox for your course and then select “Enroll” button above it.
  • If the class is full, you can join the wait list
  • A wait list spot doesn’t guarantee enrollment. The department will email you (via your wisc.edu email) if a spot opens.

Finishing enrollment

If your enrollment is complete, you will see a message indicating you’ve successfully enrolled

Explore the Student Center

After enrollment, we encourage you to explore the Student Center to familiarize yourself with the functions and how to navigate the interface.

Here are just a few things that you will do in your Student Center:

  • View your enrollment appointment time
  • View any holds on your account
  • View your tuition eBill
  • Order transcripts

Dropping courses

Students make the decision to drop courses for a number of reasons.

Please know that there are drop and withdrawal deadlines that affect the amount of tuition reimbursement you are eligible to receive.

If you’re considering dropping a course, please do the following:

  1. Review semester deadlines
  2. Consult with an advisor in ACSSS: highschoolcredit@dcs.wisc.edu or 263-6960
  3. Drop the course in Course Search and Enroll

Dropping a class vs Withdrawing for the term

Important dates and deadlines

You are responsible for know the key dates and deadlines for each term you are enrolled. Please review the deadlines link and make note of these dates in your calendar.

UW–Madison Dates and Deadlines

Wiscard and Bus Pass

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Wiscard: Your key to campus

Wiscard: UW-Madison’s official campus ID card

  • Wiscard allows you to access libraries, recreational facilities, and other campus services
  • $25 replacement fee if lost

How? When? Where?

After you officially enroll in courses, you may pick up your Wiscard at Union South.

You will be ask to present a form of valid ID (driver’s license, passport, state, or federal ID).

Union South, Room 149 (next to Daily Scoop)
Phone:  (608) 262-3258
Email:  wiscard@union.wisc.edu

Madison Metro Bus Pass

As a Special student you are eligible to receive a free, Associated Students of Madison (ASM) bus pass which is good for unlimited rides on all Madison Metro routes.

Follow the new 3-step process for obtaining a bus pass:

UW Student Bus Pass Program

Reminder, you must enroll in courses AND pick up your Wiscard before you can get your bus pass.

Tuition and billing

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Early College Credit billing

Even if you are enrolled in an district-approved ECCP course, you will receive an eBill notification of your tuition summary. Your school district will be billed for your tuition and fees.

If you enroll in an non-approved course, or you are not an ECCP student, you will be billed 100% of tuition and segregated fees for your course(s).

Note, if you drop your UW–Madison course beyond the tuition adjustment deadline, you may have to reimburse your school district.

If you have questions about your eBill or how your tuition will be charged, please contact our office: highschoolcredit@dcs.wisc.edu or 608-263-6960.

Non-ECCP student billing

If you are not an ECCP student, or you enrolled in a non-approved course, you will are responsible for 100% of your tuition and fees.

  • Check Student Center for your tuition invoice under your Financial Account
  • Check tuition rates for the term you are enrolled
  • You are responsible for all tuition and fees
  • You will be assessed a $100 late fee if your tuition is not paid by the due date

Retroactive language credits

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Recommendation for retro credits

  • If you are taking a language course, you may qualify for retroactive credit if you receive a grade of B or better
  • If you are interested in exploring this option to see if you are eligible for retroactive credit, please email highschoolcredit@dcs.wisc.edu
  • Our office can only recommend  (not grant) retro credits, and language stating this will be on your official transcript. It will be up to the school you attend as an undergraduate to accept or deny retro credits.

Campus Resources

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UW–Madison has over 40 campus libraries!

Visit library.wisc.edu to learn more about all of the libraries on campus and the resources that they have to offer.

Two of our most popular libraries:


Check your class and section in Course Search and Enroll for the correct authors and editions to your textbooks.

Here are a few options to help get you started:

  • Check with your school district to see if they have any used textbooks
  • Note, MMSD has a library that must be checked by MMSD students FIRST before the district will reimburse for purchased books
  • There are many different online options to purchase or rent your textbooks
  • Amazon.com
  • Chegg.com
  • University Bookstore, 711 State Street
    • Note, you will need the section number for your course as books are arranged by course and section number
  • Your school district may be willing to reimburse you for the textbooks that you had to rent or purchase. Save your receipts and contact your school district after you course is completed.

Parking and transportation

Parking on campus can be kind of a headache. Please use the following resources/tips to help you plan ahead.

Additional resources

We have provided a curated list of resources we think high school students will find helpful. Please take a moment to review these resources and refer back to them as needed.

Tips for Success

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Introduce yourself to your professors and TAs

Why should I?

  • When you are one of a hundred or more students in the classroom, introducing yourself to your professors and TAs can go a long way to help you feel more supported.
  • If you don’t think you can do this then you need to reconsider taking a University class! This is an actual university experience and if you feel too shy or intimidated to talk with faculty you should re-think whether or not you are ready to take a university course. As a college student, regardless of age, FERPA law prevents faculty and staff from communicating with your parents/guardians.
  • Remember, you will likely be in college in the next couple of years and will have to do this then. This is good practice.


Read your syllabus! This is your guide and outline for the semester. There will be important dates and deadlines in your syllabus and you will be held accountable for keeping track of these dates.


Attend all lecture, discussion, and lab sections

  • This may sound obvious but there have been students who found out the hard way by not attending regularly!
  • If you must miss class due to illness or bad weather, contact your professor or TA.
  • UW–Madison rarely closes due to bad weather. That said, please make safe choices about getting to campus. If you feel it is unsafe to get to class, let your professor or TA know you will not be there.
  • Your school breaks and UW–Madison breaks may not line up. Planning a big trip with your family over your school spring break? It may not be a wise choice if the UW isn’t off at the same time.

Course readings

Complete all course readings prior to attending class. This will help you to get the most out of your lectures and discussions.


Final exams

Final exams are not usually scheduled at the same time as your class is regularly held. Check your exam schedule in Course Search and Enroll or your Student Center.

Communicate with your professors and teaching assistants

If you’re not available for office hours, reach out another way (email, Canvas, etc.). Your professors and TAs are more than willing to help you, but you must take the initiative.

Academic problems?

If you are struggling, talk to your professor and/or TA and be in touch with an ACSSS advisor. Do not delay asking for help!

Advising and Dean's Office

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Adult Career and Special Student Services (ACSSS)

Adult Career and Special Student Services serves as your advising and dean’s office while you’re enrolled as a Special student.

Advisor: Stacy Iruk
Email: highschoolcredit@dcs.wisc.edu
Phone: 608-263-6960




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Quiz time!

You can take this quiz as many times as needed to get 100%. Please refer to the information in the orientation while taking the quiz.

Start the quiz now

Have a great semester!

Bucky badger at family fun day